
There are two data structures to represent a point in two-dimensional space, of coordiantes \((x, y)\):

digraph Point2D {
Point2D -> "CPoint2D*"
"CPoint2D*" -> x
"CPoint2D*" -> y
"CPoint2D*" [fillcolor=gray,style="rounded,filled"]
x [fillcolor=gray,style="rounded,filled"]
y [fillcolor=gray,style="rounded,filled"]

CPoint2D C structure

A CPoint2D has just two members, to store its coordinates:

double x
double y
In [2]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A

A.x = 1
A.y = 2

printf("A: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", A.x, A.y)
A: (1, 2)

CPoint2D can be allocated and destroyed with these functions:

CPoint2D* new_point2d()

Allocate a new CPoint2D

del_point2d(CPoint2D* cpoint2d)

Delete a CPoint2D


This functions are rarely used, as C structure in GeomAlgo are usually stack-allocated.

In [3]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D* A

A = ga.new_point2d()

A.x = 1
A.y = 2

printf("A: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", A.x, A.y)

A: (1, 2)

Point2D Python extension type

A Point2D takes coordinates as arguments, an optional index (can be for example vertice indices in a triangulation), and optional name (used for example by its Point2D.plot method).

class Point2D(x, y, index=0, name=None)


cpoint2d: CPoint2D*
index: int
name: string
In [4]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 2, name='A')
B = ga.Point2D(4, 6, name='B')
print('A:', A)
A: Point2D(1.0, 2.0)

The wrapped C structure Point2D.cpoint2d is accessible only using Cython.

In [5]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.Point2D A
    ga.CPoint2D* ptr

A = ga.Point2D(1, 2)

ptr = A.cpoint2d
printf("(%.1f, %.1f)\n", ptr.x, ptr.y)
(1, 2)

Get and set coordiantes

CPoint2D members are accessed directly to get and set coordinates:

In [6]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
printf("A: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", A.x, A.y)

A.x, A.y = 4, -5
printf("A: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", A.x, A.y)
A: (1.0, 2.0)
A: (4.0, -5.0)

Point2D as two properties x and y to get/set coordiantes from/to its underlying cpoint2d attribute:

In [7]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 2)

A.x, A.y = 4, -5
Point2D(1.0, 2.0)
Point2D(4.0, -5.0)

Point operators

Points subtraction

Two points \(B\) and \(A\) can be subtracted to compute the vector \(\mathbf{AB} = B - A\).

void subtract_points2d(CVector2D* AB, const CPoint2D* B, const CPoint2D* A)

Variable AB must be already allocated.

In [8]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B
    ga.CVector2D AB

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
B.x, B.y = 4, 6

ga.subtract_points2d(&AB, &B, &A)

printf("AB: (%.1f, %.1f)\n", AB.x, AB.y)
AB: (3.0, 4.0)
Point2D.__sub__(B, A)
In [9]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 2)
B = ga.Point2D(4, 6)
AB = B - A
print('AB: ({}, {})'.format(AB.x, AB.y))
AB: (3.0, 4.0)

Point plus vector

A vector \(\mathbf{AB}\) can be added to a point \(A\) to compute the point \(B = A + \alpha \mathbf{AB}\).

void point2d_plus_vector2d(CPoint2D* B, CPoint2D* A, double alpha, CVector2D* AB)

B must be already allocated.

In [10]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B
    ga.CVector2D AB

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
AB.x, AB.y = 1.5, 2

ga.point2d_plus_vector2d(&B, &A, 2., &AB)

printf("B: (%.1f, %.1f)", B.x, B.y)
B: (4.0, 6.0)
Point2D.__add__(A, AB):
In [11]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 2)
AB = ga.Vector2D(1.5, 2)

B = A + AB*2

Point2D(4.0, 6.0)

Points equality

Test whether two points \(A\) and \(B\) are strictly equal.

bint point2d_equal(CPoint2D* A, CPoint2D* B)
In [12]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B, C

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
B.x, B.y = 1, 2
C.x, C.y = 2, 2

printf("A==B: %d\n", ga.point2d_equal(&A, &B))
printf("A==C: %d\n", ga.point2d_equal(&A, &C))
A==B: 1
A==C: 0

Distance computation

Compute the distance between points \(A\) and \(B\).

double point2d_distance(CPoint2D* A, CPoint2D* B)
In [13]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B
    double dist

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
B.x, B.y = 4, 6
dist = ga.point2d_distance(&A, &B)
printf("distance: %.1f", dist)
distance: 5.0
distance(A, B)
In [14]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 2)
B = ga.Point2D(4, 6)

Sometime, the knowledge of the square distance is enough, and for performance, computing the square root can be avoided.

double point2d_square_distance(CPoint2D* A, CPoint2D* B)
In [22]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B
    double sdist

A.x, A.y = 1, 2
B.x, B.y = 4, 6
sdist = ga.point2d_square_distance(&A, &B)
printf("square distance: %.1f", sdist)
square distance: 25.0


Test if the point \(P\) is left, right, or of an infinite line \((AB)\), through \(A\) to \(B\).

is_left(P, A, B, isclose=math.isclose)

Returns True if \(P\) is left, False if \(P\) is right, and raises a ValueError if \(P\) is on line AB. comparer is a function to test floating point equality.

In [2]:
A = ga.Point2D(1, 1, name='A')
B = ga.Point2D(4, 4, name='B')
P = ga.Point2D(2, 3, name='P')
Q = ga.Point2D(3, 2, name='Q')

AB = ga.Segment2D(A, B)

for obj in [A, B, AB]:

for obj in [P, Q]:

print('P is left AB:', P.is_left(A, B))
print('P is left BA:', P.is_left(B, A))
print('Q is left AB:', Q.is_left(A, B))
print('Q is left BA:', Q.is_left(B, A))
P is left AB: True
P is left BA: False

Q is left AB: False
Q is left BA: True
In [3]:
for obj in [A, B, AB]:

R = ga.Point2D(2, 2, name='R')
S = ga.Point2D(3, 3.1, name='S')
for obj in [R, S]:

    R.is_left(B, A)
except ValueError as err:

print('S is left AB:', S.is_left(A, B))

    S.is_left(A, B, isclose=lambda x,y: abs(x-y)<0.5)
except ValueError as err:
R in on line (AB)
S is left AB: True
S in on line (AB)
double is_left(CPoint2D* A, CPoint2D* B, CPoint2D* P)
The value returned is:
  • Strictly negative if \(P\) is right of the line through \(A\) to \(B\).
  • Strictly positive if \(P\) is left of the line through A to B.
  • Zero if \(P\) is on the line \((AB)\).
In [27]:

from libc.stdio cimport printf
cimport geomalgo as ga

    ga.CPoint2D A, B, P, R

A.x, A.y = 1, 1
B.x, B.y = 4, 4

P.x, P.y = 2, 3
R.x, R.y = 2, 2

printf('P is left AB: %.2f\n', ga.is_left(&A, &B, &P))
printf('P is left BA: %.2f\n', ga.is_left(&B, &A, &P))
printf('R is left AB: %.2f\n', ga.is_left(&A, &B, &R))
P is left AB: 3.00
P is left BA: -3.00
R is left AB: 0.00
In [ ]: